
Cloud Accounting Software MalaysiaCloud Accounting Software for SME and accountants in Malaysia

Why Cloud Accounting Software?FEATURES

Anytime, Anywhere, Any Device

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Low Initial Cost

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Maintenance Free

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Collaborative Access

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Secured Database

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Start Easily

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Complete & Compliant

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Accountant Friendly

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Great Invoicing

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Comprehensive Inventory

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Informative Reports

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Users Control

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Free Resources

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Accessibility Becomes Limitless, So Does Your BusinessAnytime, Anywhere, Any Device

As long as internet is accessible, AutoCount Cloud Accounting is always there to perform her duties as you wish.

What you need is just a device, either a PC, mobile phone, tablet, or laptop.

Big Saver On Server and Storage HardwareLow Initial Cost

Think about how much you could save on hardware and security facilities.

Low Cost

Software is Auto UpdatedMaintenance FREE

You always enjoy the latest version and feature.

Latest Version

Multiple Users' Access is Better AdministeredCollaborative Access

All inputs, billings, postings, and reports are instantly completed, and accessible according to access rights setting.


Your Data is Auto-Backup and ProtectedSecured Database

Your accounts and records are all saved and backup in a secured cloud environment through Microsoft Azure.

Latest Version

Start Easily

Immediate signup, free trial, low cost.

Set up easily with guided wizard and get started almost instantly.

Enjoy as low as RM70 monthly subscription and promotional discounts.

Try it yourself for FREE. No commitment, no obligation and no credit card required.

Complete & Compliant

From Purchase to Sales, from Account to Inventory, fully compliant.

It is our duty to keep the software updated and remain compliant with local tax and statutory requirement.

All documents you need to create transactions for Sales (Quotation, Invoice, Credit Note) and Purchases (Purchase Order, Purchase Invoice, Purchase Return).

Be impressed by how simple to create stock items, making inquiry, stock adjustments, recording stock transfer, and generate stock reports.

Powerful simple accounting features for Cash Book entry, Journal entry, Knock Off entry, Bank Reconciliation and financial reports.

Accountant Friendly

Ideal for accounting service providers, convenient and efficient.

Easily access to and work on client’s account book, all entries will be instantly posted and accessible by clients.

Unlike conventional details, the ledger report is enhanced with useful info to include Name (Paid To / Received From), Ref.No. (Cheque No.) … which make it more meaningful and informative.

Quickly get to the source of figures and details of transaction, for financial reports as well as journal and ledgers.

Make use of flexible cash book and journal, to create any entry input including those related to debtors and creditors.

Great Invoicing

Great experience in billing and transaction, fast and accurate.

Recording transactions with international customers and supplier in multi currencies.


Drag & drop, copy items and bills, all these features make transaction or document creation faster and accurate.

Send Quotations, Invoices, Purchase Order, using embedded WhatsApp and email.

Quickly look at the documents statistics and act on subsequent follow ups.

Information such as stock level, historical pricing, outstanding, overdue…provides quick glance on essential data while doing transaction entry.

Comprehensive Inventory

Manage both stock and non-stock items, for multiple locations and variants.

Maintain item variants such as sizes, colours, models … easily and make transaction so much flexible to produce informative reports.

Autocount Cloud Accounting

Manage effectively stock items in multiple location, stock transfers and reports by locations.


It is so simple to make adjustment of stock value or quantity related to  sampling, stock lost…etc.

Stock Adjustments

Stock reports provide greater visibility of stock level and status.


Informative Reports

Full range of customizable reports, real time dashboard with essential info.

More than 100 reports can be customized using the built-in report designer and can be exported to Excel.


Complete reports such as aging, statement, trial balance, profit & loss, balance sheet, for better decisions making.

Financial Reports

Analysis report such as stock replenish, best selling items, slow moving items.


The dashboard provides key information in one screen, including sales, status of quotations & invoices, profit & loss, cost & expenses, and even the current balances of your cash & bank accounts.


Users Control

Maintain users with different access rights.

Control your users access authorization, manage and assign roles to your staff efficiently.

Your accounts and records are all saved and backup in a secured cloud environment using Microsoft Azure.

Free Resources

Get online support and training/learning resources for FREE.

Enjoy free customer support via online ticket. Live chat support method available based on paid plan.


Make use of self-paced learning resources on our free learning platform.


Just contact us should you need personal service on-site.


Choose Your Pricing Plan

Start using Cloud Accounting Software Malaysia for free!

Access all Cloud Accounting Software Malaysia features for Free*, then decide which plan best suits your business.

  • Cancel any time
  • No minimum contract
  • No credit card required

*Free trial up to 100 invoices or 60 journal vouchers each year, whichever reaches first.

Forever FREE for company that less that 100 Invoice or 60 Journal Voucher a year.

Or call us at +6012-722 8013 to know more Cloud Accounting Software Malaysia